20 years BCCN Berlin Symposium

IMPORTANT: Participation is only possible with prior registration. We are fully booked now, please read below.

With this symposium, the BCCN Berlin wants to celebrate the 20. anniversary of the Center and its achievements with the Center's members, alumni, students, and (invited) guests.

We are delighted that Andreas Herz, former director of the BCCN Berlin will tell us a bit about the Center's history. He, our great invited speakers and all guests will contribute to a lively, inspiring and fun symposium.


Steering Committee of the BCCN Berlin and the Interdisciplinary Center Computational Neuroscience.


Here are some impressions:

President of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Ikebana arrangement

President of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Ikebana arrangement

Coffee Break Q&A

Coffee Break


Q&A Christof Koch
Dora Angelaki Vice Dean Charité
Vice President TU Berlin Dora Angelaki and Michael Brecht
Michael Brecht opening the symposium Andreas Herz
Michael Brecht opening the symposium Andreas Herz
View from the back Christof Koch and Klaus-Robert Müller
View from the back Christof Koch and Klaus-Robert Müller

Copyright Photos: "Alexander Lammers/Bernstein Network"

Program, June 12, 2024
14.00 - 14.10 Opening/Welcome, Michael Brecht
14.10 -14.20 History/retrospect, Andreas Herz, LMU München
14.20 - 14.50 Greetings
Prof. Dr. Julia von Blumenthal, President Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kintscher, Vice Dean, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Prof. Dr. Fatma Deniz, Vice President, Technische Universität Berlin
1. Session, Chair:  Susanne Schreiber  
14.50 - 15.30 Explainable AI for Obtaining Insight, Klaus-Robert Müller
BIFOLD und Technische Universität Berlin
15.30 – 16.10 The Physics of Sentience, Karl Friston
University College London, London, UK

16.10 – 16.40

Coffee Break

2. Session, Chair:  Henning Sprekeler

16.40 – 17.20 Latent Cause Inference and Mental Health, Yael Niv
Princeton University, Princeton, USA
17.20 – 18.00 Consciousness and its Physical Substrate – Progress and Problems, Christof Koch
Allen Institute, Seattle, USA
18.00 - 18.40

Belief Embodiment through Eye Movements Facilitates Memory-Guided Navigation, Dora Angelaki,
New York University, New York, USA


Dinner Reception


Location: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Festsaal, Luisenstr. 56, 10115 Berlin (symposium) and Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin, Philippstr. 13 Haus 6, 10115 Berlin (dinner reception)

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