Kresimir Josic: Relating the structure and dynamics of neural networks

University of Houston

I will start with an overview of how to extend the theory of balanced networks to account for changes in synaptic weights, This theory can be used to show when a plastic network will maintain balance, and when it will be driven into an unbalanced state. I will next discuss how this approach provides evidence for compensatory inhibitory plasticity in data from optogenetic experiments with primates. I will then turn to a discussion of new connectomics data, including evidence for like-to-like connectivity in the visual cortex. Finally, I will discuss the impact of higher order cyclic correlations on the dynamics of recurrent neural networks.



Guests are welcome!


Organized by

Benjamin Lindner / Lisa Rosenblum

Location: BCCN Berlin, lecture hall 9, Philippstr. 13 Haus 6, 10115 Berlin

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