Martina Michalikova, ITB / HU Berlin

Mechanisms of spikelet generation in cortical pyramidal neurons

Spikelets are transient spike-like depolarizations of small amplitudes that can be measured in somatic intracellular recordings of many neuron types. Pronounced spikelet activity has been demonstrated in cortical pyramidal neurons in vivo (Crochet et al., 2004; Epsztein et al., 2010; Chorev and Brecht, 2012), influencing membrane voltage dynamics including action potential initiation. Nevertheless, the origin of spikelets in these neurons remains elusive. As spikelets are all-or-none events with a waveform similar to the action potentials, they are thought to originate in action potentials occurring in electrotonically distinct compartments. In the present thesis, I used computational modeling to examine the mechanisms and conditions of spikelet generation in pyramidal neurons. First, I reviewed the hypotheses previously suggested to explain spikelet origin. I discovered two qualitatively different spikelet types described in the experimental literature. This thesis focuses on the more commonly reported spikelet type, characterized by relatively large amplitudes of up to 20 mV. I found that the properties of these spikelets fit best to an axonal generation mechanism. Second, I explored the hypothesis that somatic spikelets of axonal origin can be evoked with somato-dendritic inputs. I identified the conditions allowing these orthodromic inputs to trigger an action potential at the axon initial segment, which propagates along the axon to the post-synaptic targets, but fails to elicit an action potential in the soma and the dendrites. Third, I simulated extracellular waveforms of action potentials and spikelets and compared them to experimental data (Chorev and Brecht, 2012). This comparison demonstrated that the extracellular waveforms of single-cell spikelets of axonal origin are consistent with the data. Together, my results suggest that spikelets in pyramidal neurons might originate at the axon initial segment within a single cell. Such a mechanism might be a way of reducing the energetic costs associated with the generation of output action potentials. Moreover, it might allow to control the dendritic plasticity by backpropagating action potentials.

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PhD defence

Organized by

Richard Kempter

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