Pablo Blinder, Tel Aviv University

Towards a multi-scale quantification of the structure and function of the neurovascular interface

Proper brain function depends on the intricate interface between neurons, astrocytes and the nearby blood vessels that supply then with oxygen and nutrients. Coupling between neuronal activity and local vascular responses represent both a fundamental physiological process and also underpins the mechanism behind BOLD-imaging techniques. We aim to systematically map the structure-function organization of this interface and use this knowledge as morphological framework to interpret neurovascular dynamics.  At the system level, we find a puzzling lack of spatial organization between neuronal units of the lemniscal pathway and the surrounding vasculature. I will share these findings and describe our current efforts to map the neuro-vascular microcircuitry. To understand whether neurons wire with some preference into the vasculature, we started to simulate the expected “random" statistics for this morphological interface. In addition, I will share preliminary data showing a differential neuronal response to surgically induced hypo- and hyper-perfusion conditions; suggest a potential modulation role of systemic pressure on neuronal activity.

Organized by

Saikat Ray / Michael Brecht

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