Katie Ferguson and Alexandra Tzilivaki: Interneuron contributions to visual processing

External speaker: Katie Ferguson -
Position: Postdoc in the Jess Cardin Lab at Yale University
Topic: Cortical inhibitory control

Local Berlin speaker: Alexandra Tzilivaki
Position: PhD student in the Dietmar Schmitz Lab
Topic: Contribution of GABAergic interneurons in learning and memory - Title: Interneurons mediated plasticity in hippocampus


Title: Interneuron contributions to visual processing


Interactions between diverse cell types, including distinct GABAergic interneuron populations, play a key role in shaping behavioral state-dependent sensory processing within the visual cortex. Dr. Ferguson will discuss how she investigates the neural basis of this process, using two-photon laser scanning microscopy, acute and chronic circuit manipulations, and behavioral paradigms in awake, behaving mice. This work aims to identify the links between specific interneuron populations, flexible cortical function, and visual perception.


Guests are welcome!


Organized by

Mostafa, Loreen, Greg

Location: BCCN Berlin, lecture hall 9, Philippstr. 13 Haus 6, 10115 Berlin

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