Timothy O'Leary: System size as a regulatory feedback signal in synapses

University of Cambridge

I will present a reevaluation of the thinking behind common models of biochemical switches involved in synaptic plasticity. Typically, the signalling pathways in a synapse are inspected for the ability to support deterministic bistability, or mutistability. This allows a set of robust switch-like states that can, for example, act as a synaptic ‘tag’ to signal that a synapse needs to potentiate, or, on longer timescales, can allow a synapse to reside at a stable weight. Unfortunately, some of the favourite candidates for biochemical switches are mired in controversy: some studies indicate the existence of multistability, while others refute it. We show how system size generically alters the physics of components in small compartments such as synapses, offering a novel path for nature to build a robust, self limiting switch.

Organized by

Henning Sprekeler, Laura Naumann & Loreen Hertäg


TU Berlin, Room 4.063, Marchstraße 23, 10587 Berlin


Location: TU Berlin, Room 4.063, Marchstraße 23, 10587 Berlin

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