- Members
- Alumni
Current Members
Name | Affiliation | Working Group |
Alan Akbik | HU Berlin | Machine Learning |
Anne Beck | HMU Health and Medical University | Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy |
Peter beim Graben | BTU Cottbus | Communication Technology |
Felix Blankenburg | FU Berlin | Neurocomputation and Neuroimaging |
Benjamin Blankertz | TU Berlin | Neurotechnology |
Nils Blüthgen | Charité | Computational Modeling in Medicine |
Stephan Brandt | Charité | Vision and Motor System |
Michael Brecht | HU Berlin | Animal Physiology/Systems Neurobiology and Neural Computation |
Thomas Christophel | HU Berlin | Distributed Cognition and Working Memory |
Radoslaw Cichy | FU Berlin | Neural Dynamics of Visual Cognition |
Gabriel Curio | Charité | Neurophysics |
Camin Dean | DZNE | Synaptic Dysfunction |
Fatma Deniz | TU Berlin & UC Berkeley | Language and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systems |
Livia de Hoz | Charité | Sensory Gating and Subcortico-Cortical Interactions |
Tobias Donner | UK Hamburg Eppendorf | Neuromodulation of Cortical Dynamics and Decision Computations |
Jens Dreier | Charité | Translational Stroke Research |
Ralf Engbert | Universität Potsdam | Experimental and Biological Psychology |
Martin Falcke | MDC/HU Berlin | Mathematical Cell Physiology |
Tengis Gloveli | Charité | Cellular & Network Physiology |
Klaus Gramann | TU Berlin | Biological Psychology and Neuroergonomics |
Robert Gütig | Charité | Mathematical Modeling of Neural Learning |
Matthias Haberl | Charité | Neuroscience - Images - Data Science |
Verena Hafner | HU Berlin | Adaptive Systems |
Fred Hamker | Universität Chemnitz | Model-driven Approach to Visual Perception & Cognition |
Stefan Haufe | Charité | Brain and Data Science |
John-Dylan Haynes | Charité | Theory and Analysis of Large-Scale Brain Signals |
Andreas Heinz | Charité | Psychiatry and Psychotherapy |
Hanspeter Herzel | Charité | Theoretical Chronobiology |
Benjamin Judkewitz | Charité | Deep Imaging, Brain-wide Circuits, Neurophotonics |
Richard Kempter | HU Berlin | Theoretical Neuroscience |
Ursula Koch | FU Berlin | Neurophysiology |
Achim Kramer | Charité | Biological Rhythms |
Jens Kremkow | Charité | Dynamics of Neuronal Networks, Processing of Early Visual System |
Andrea Kühn | Charité | Movement Disorders and Neuromodulation |
Jürgen Kurths | PIK | Complexity Science & Nonlinear Dynamics |
Matthew Larkum | HU Berlin | Cellular Mechanisms Linking Sensory Information with Previous Experience |
Gary Lewin | MDC | Molecular Basis of Somatic Sensation |
Benjamin Lindner | HU Berlin | Theory of Complex Systems and Neurophysics |
Alexander von Lühmann | TU Berlin | Intelligent Biomedical Sensing (IBS) Lab |
Marianne Maertens | TU Berlin | Computational Psychology |
Anna Mandel-Zakharova | TU Berlin | Nonlinear Dynamics in Complex Networks |
Christian Meisel | Charité | Computational Neurology |
Marina Mikhaylova | HU Berlin | Optobiology |
Klaus-Robert Müller | TU Berlin | Machine Learning |
Wolf-Julian Neumann | Charité | Movement Disorders |
Vadim Nikulin | MPI CBS Leipzig | Neural Interactions and Dynamics |
Klaus Obermayer | TU Berlin | Neural Information Processing |
Torben Ott | HU Berlin | Neuromodulators of Decision-Making |
So Young Park | DIFE & Charité | Decision Neuroscience and Nutrition |
Martin Riemer | TU Berlin | Biopsychology and Neuro-Ergonomics |
Kerstin Ritter | Charité | Machine Learning Applied to Clinical Neuroscience |
Petra Ritter | Charité | Brain Simulation |
Martin Rolfs | HU Berlin | Active Perception and Cognition |
Pawel Romanczuk | HU Berlin | Collective Information Processing |
Nina Romanczuk-Seiferth | MSB Medical School Berlin | Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy |
Florian Schlagenhauf | Charité | Psychotic Disorders, Learning & Cognition |
Dietmar Schmitz | Charité | Synapses & Neural Circuits in Health and Disease |
Eckehard Schöll | TU Berlin | Nonlinear Dynamics and Control |
Susanne Schreiber | HU Berlin | Computational Neurophysiology |
Nicolas Schuck | MPI Berlin | Neural and Computational Basis of Learning, Memory, and Decision Making |
Tilo Schwalger | TU Berlin | Computational Neuroscience & Data assimilation |
Daniel Senkowski | Charité | Multisensory Integration |
Stephan Sigrist | FU Berlin | Genetics |
Surjo Soekadar | Charité | Translation and Neurotechnology & Clinical Neurotechnology |
Bernhard Spitzer | MPI Berlin | Adaptive Memory and Decision Making |
Henning Sprekeler | TU Berlin | Modeling of Cognitive Processes |
Wilhelm Stannat | TU Berlin | Mathematics & Stochastic Processes |
Silvia Viana da Silva | DZNE & Charité | Cellular Circuits of Memory |
Caren Tischendorf | HU Berlin | Applied Mathematics |
Imre Vida | Charité | Integrative Neuroanatomy |
Manuel Völkle | HU Berlin | Psychological Methodology |
Henrik Walter | Charité | Mind & Brain |
Andrea Walther | HU Berlin | Nonlinear Optimization/Algorithmic Differentiation (AD) |
Nikolaus Wenger | Charité | Translational Neuromodulation |