March 2021

Thomas Christophel has just started his lab with his Emmy-Noether Grant "Distributed Cognition and Working Memory" at the BCCN Berlin and the Institute for Psychology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Research focus is the storage of short-term memory contents and their use for decision-making.


Das BCCN Berlin nimmt zum ersten Mal an der "BerlinBrains" Vortragsreihe in der URANIA teil. Die Vorträge sollen die Sichtbarkeit der Neurowissenschaften in Berlin erhöhen. In diesem Jahr geben fünf "Junior trifft Senior"-Teams interessante Einblicke in ihren Forschungsalltag.


Due to the pandemic situation this year's Bernstein Conference will be held online again. It is scheduled from Sep 21 - 23. The call for workshop proposal is already open.

More information here.
